Thursday, December 31, 2009


The End of the Year 2009!!damnn !! 2009 An amazing year!! Unexpected things happened!!It was a year of variations... frm fights to love....Surprises to SHOCKS !! Basically GOOD things happened!! The Year has been EXTREMELY LUCKY for me,in Every sphere...Academics...Love...Fun..Friendships !! Lets recap....

Jan- Ahhh.. went to Hyderabad to meet Tarique! Had a wonderful time with him n fatty!
Jan- Went to Pune!! shit hole bus journeyyy !! froze my asssss !!!
Jan- Met sum spl frnds in Cal for da 1st time !!!
Feb- Cousin's Weddin at Patna !! Fun times wid all f me cousins!! P.S-PATNA IS VERY VERY DIRTY... DIRTIER THAN CALCUTTA...IMAGINEE!!
Feb-CAREER LAUNCHERRRRRR..aahhh !! But very nice!! seriously...!! don look at me.. i never paid attention ova there!! Materials were really nice!!
July- Met Tarique n fatty again ... but this time in Cal
July- Went to Mumbai
July- Went to Pune again...Very nice trip... Met Chubby,Nidz n also Sanju!Buggd Sanju alot !!
Aug- HEHE HAHA times wid frnds
Sept- Cool times wid CB
Oct-RESULTSSSS ! GOT THRUUU !! YAY !! plus Cousinz came over!Spent sum very quality n fun times wid em !!
Nov-Deba backk in town... too bad cudn meet her!! Sorry Buddy!!
Dec-Tarique came....n also Reetika (n shez still here) n Charles(Gr8 guy) too! WAT A LUNCH WE HAD!! lolzzz
Dec-MAT results(Got thru again)
Dec-Sittin n writing a blog( da last day f da year) apparently da last hour f da year!!

Hope Da New Year...that is 2010 stays for me as fun n as lucky as 2009 !!
2009..a very very VERYYY important year in my shit life !!
Wishing A Very Funfilled ,Stongbonded 2010 to all me pals who read my blog
n 4 those who doesn... may ur comp hangs wen u r watchin porno n ya mum enters ya room!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


A week back i went to sum place outside Cal ! I mean just outside city limits! like 30km frm my place! My cousin,5 f his frnds n me!! two cars ! food ... Check!! Petrol... Check! Music ...Check!! Thought v wudn need anythn else! v were soo wrong !!
V were asked to keep da car almost near da startin f da lane, coz da lane wud get narrow n there wud b no place to park da car! so v had no options rather than to walk!! v walked n walkd n walkd!dat son f a gun told us its just a km away !!
It was damn sunny, thank god da roads were kinnda shady... atleast sum parts were !!wish v had umbrellas!!da place smelled f cow shit!! completely empty road!! not even one single person walkin excpt us!! v walkd for abt 20mins,no way v were walking more!!! walkin was da only mean... no other means f transport also! coz it was afternoon n it was a village so ppl were inside their house!! lazy bastards!!! Saw a mini-dor cumin,Tata Ace... thank god!! just hitch hikd it!! never knew it was so fun on a mini-dor! n journey was like a safari!! trees all creepin on u !! it was lyk we r going n going n goin!! after 30mins reachd da destination!!
But bigger prob came up! how will v come back to da cars ? v cant get lucky all da tym! atlast found an auto.. only one was dere !! so v had no options.. 8guys+ da driver in one auto!! gettin da scene ? very very uncomfortable yet very very very fun n hilarious journey !!bumpy ride.. bt reachd were da cars were parkd !!

U think dis is da end ? NOO !!

We were rite at da extreme southern tip.... frm there we went to extreme north !! Diagonally coverd up Cal !! not bad !! but v were hungry ! no place to eat ! v weren in a mood to eat chips n all !! asked one shop if they hav dumplinz n all or atleast sumthin to eat ! they were like no.. will start cookin frm 6 wen da owner f da shop cums!! wat shitt yaar ! damn!! anyways completd da job n came back home arnd 6 n had food!! Over 120kms !! not bad !! not bad at all!!

Coolest Cousinz

Memories!! Love em!! One should keep em coming!! Earlier things were so nice! Had amzain time with cousins. Our group consistd f 11-15cousins(depends on da time).i guess I have da coolest cousins arnd !!Life was so damn active! Everyday we used to play cricket on terrace but v usually played inside…I mean da verandah. Almost broke all da fragile things around,lamps,clocks! Window panes were spared coz v kept da windows open! Weekend mornings were booked by swimming classes or morning walks or cricket(field)! Once I was playing wid da cousins on terrace, I was fieldin at silly point.. n it was “silly” ! one f me cousins whackd da ball hard n BOOM !! it hit my…….!! Yes u guessed it rite!! Damn it was fuckin swollen !! it took a long tym to recover! Arnd a month!! Weekends ..specially Sundays used to be a family lunch! One would find all f em, I mean granfather n his branches n their branches(uncles,aunties n their kids) at this house on a Sunday n during summer/winter/puja vacations! But Sunday was follwed by Monday! Crappp!!early mornin school!!
Loved new year time! I mean 31st december used to be a big get togther of us(cousins)! During dat time award shows were pretty new. People used to watch it unlike now a days! We used to watch it till 11pm n after that our fun started! We used to play cards,hide n seek n also dat game where u hav to gues da name f da flick! Cards were pretty fine.. rest were definitely not fine !! we used to play hide n seek in pitch darkness!! Verandah’s night lamp was da only light dat was switch on.. rest were switchd off!! No lights inside rooms!! N worst part was dat u have to tell da names wen u find em! Too dark n sppoooky! Plus cousins used to make all these freaky noises !! n they used to hide in all worst places u can think of!! sumtyms on ceilnz..wid support frm da walls!(passage towards da washroom,as da passage isn too wide, one can take da supprt frm both f da walls !! but it was freaky fun!! n da other game was wicked!! Cousins used to ask to act n express da names f da C grade flicks!!
N loads f shit v did!! Specially my cousin bros!! they were…sorry are.. so so so wicked!! frm flirtin arnd wid chix to spendin awsum holidays!! We did it almost all f da things !! n still v keep doin all shit n all !!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bad to Good !!

People say i m bad,pervert,asshole,wicked..... but i wasn like this.Actually i was very well mannered,very decent,very innocent..... till class5 !! Until Class 6, all of me pals were completely bong.... so i had their influence on me. I never abused, actually once i did.. wen i was a kid.... n my parents whoopd my ass! that was da 1st n da last time my parents gave me a whack!!so u now know da reason y i m like dis ! As i was saying, i had this all bong group....da i was unknown f many facts! n later on... i mean wen i was in class 12.. i came to know dat most f da guys frm dat had turnd gays!! Lucky me !!!
That time pen fights were on a great hype,dat was our fav game!! Championships to knockout tournamnts!! but apart frm dat... this shit game v used to play.. donnno how cud i ever play such a shit game!! "Chor Police" , da game in which u hav to pick up chits.. n inside dem one wud b "chor" n other "police".. da others wud just take part.... da guy has to catch da "chor".. n if da chor winks to sum1.. da guy shud say "I M DEAD" !! so da police has to find out who is da one b4 all d da ppl r "winked" out! so v were playin one day n i was kickin a guy.. n dat fucker wnt n complaind to da teacher.. i mean a who was incharge f da block ! i donno y... but ppl used to see me n think i m very as usual teacher was like okay fine ..u r a good boy don do it nxt tym!! i was lyk okay sir! came back to my place.. n again startd kickin him! asshole!! n yeah wid due respct to bongs.... most f da bongs.. not all.. coz i know handful f guys who r very nice, apart from them most r back bitchers n tattle talers ! worse dan gals!! i had loads f experiences!
will tell ya one ... in class 7 there was one douche! he used to sit beside me! bad luck dude... u r sittin beside me.. so u gotta bear me! as usual i was doin dis n dat.... apart frm wat da teacherz had askd and i used to bug him,lyk make fun n one day his parents came n complained to da PRINCIPAL.. dat i don let him study!! bastard... if u hav probs then move ur fuckin ass .. don sit beside me!! how can guys b like this!! later half f my school life was cool.. thnx to afzal( for ruinin me..
actually for teachin me.. ) tango.. n da commerce guys n yeah adeem(after school days)!! actually afzal used to tell me all freaky adult jokes to me!!! Amazin one... !! since then i startd becomin a "GOOD" boy!! n each day passd on n i gaind more n more knowledge! We go to school to gain knowledge rite ? bad or good.... its never mentioned!
Early days(class 7-9) v used to be happy seeing cleavage f actresses or wen we used to go through words like "SEX" "Intercourse" "AIDS"(coz aids was always by sex) ! N guys were mad about TOI(Times Of India) specially da TIMES CITY... u know da reason rite ? HOT CHIX PIX!! N used to go through da biology books,used to look at da diagrams(commerce guys v were) !! n Library Class was a class were v used to talk abt sex !! donno y..!! u see bunch f guys tokin in dat class.. its gotta be sex! n rest went off to sleep.. dreamin abt sex!!

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... !!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Early days !!

Kiddo age! lovedd itt !! Amazin Logics they have !! N i bet every1 didsumthng or da other which was funny n weird !!
When i was a kid i HAD these on my mind:
#1. If u water any solid that is in a bucket thing,plants would grow of it! n YES i used to water my garbage can !!
#2.If u swallow a chewing gum,chewing gum plant wud cum out frm ya stomach thru nose n ears.
#3.Ants kisses eachother wen they bump wid eachodr.
#4.Santa Claus doesn visits my area because its conjusted.
#5.Babies just happen to come(n yeah i was unknown f da FACT until i was in class6)
#6."KAMASUTRA" was somthing lyk "mangalsutra". bt i didn know whr da gals wore it!!
#7.When ppl die,they stick their tongue out.
#8.Drivers are the happiest ppl coz they drive cars all thru day n enjoy themselves.
#9.If u use headnshoulders shampoo,aftr a while ur hair will grow till ya shoulders.(why wud they name it "Head & Shoulder" ???)
#10.I can do wat da actors in bollywood flicks can do!! (n i actually tried to ride down da stairs wid a tricylce,was too small to use a bicycle,bt ended up at hospital)!!

Couple f memories !!

My mum forced me to sleep durin da afternoon,coz if i didn, i wud b sleepin entire evening (studies wud fall asleep too) and to make sure i do sleep she lockd it frm inside. this i m tokin abt is wen i was arnd 4-5 yrs old. one day i wanted to go 2 da washroom,bt my mum had already slept. n i really needed to pee. wat to do? so i just opend da window,used to say on 2nd floor, n i did my job! donno wat hapnd to da passerbyz!!

If u can remembr, there was a flick called "Junoon", starin Rahul Roy.Yes the flick in which he wud bcum tiger.After watchin dat i was scared to go out,thinkin dat ppl wud turn in2 tigers n eat me ! Cudn even go alone upstairs thinkin he was waitin 4 me!!!

any1 scared f ghosts ? any1 ??

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Love,Crush,Snapppp !

love ? i bet every1 has been thru this "known yet inexpressible" feelin !! man this love has affectd many f my frnds! happy days n den CRACCKKKKK! BREAK UPS!! sheesh!! b4 fallin in love one should ask himself/herslf...wat kinnda gal/guy does one want ? i want girl who is lovin........ who is not emo...who can tolerate me....who is beautiful n yeah she shud know how to carry herslf GRACEFULLY !! if u miss out even one of da mentiond thngs... u r not in my "love" list!!

1st one.....sum gal named priyanka...dis was in K.G ! !!she was awsumly cute !! then in class 2 i got shiftd to the "boys" section.. n the end f my love! Lost touch! wish i had a mobile dat tym.. wud hav given her my no!! though i had landline dat tym... bt PARENTS!! wen u know u r doin sumthin which u r not supposd to do....u r overcautious!
then came this chick in dat hardcore tuitions...class 5.... her name was zeba! ahan.. pretty gal!! crushhh!! dat time i didn hav da guts to do all this.....i had dis bigger headache..TEACHER!!(refer to previous post)! so no crush n love till class 8 !!

Then i joind dis site HI5....n made shit lotta friends!! i came across this chick...awsumly sweet....cute...though she wass kinnda chubby...yet i liked her!!i did go n meet her at sum mall! n i splashd in luv !! just luvd her perfume!!! this tym it was like u see in bollywoods...!! sleepless nights n all shit !! used to get her sweet smell... !! then thngs got messy n THE END!!though met many chix frm sites durin dat phase,bt all were crappy !! meksy was nice,bt later she fell in luv wid her classmate..a chick!! ahh crapp !! disha wasn gr8,though her eyes were nice!
Again i fell in luv was in class 11... wid this maths/english tuition chick!! guess she kinda likd me too! used to call n text n all! bt later i found out she was me frnd's sis ! BIG NO !! n plus sumthn was wrong wid her,lyk stopd replyn! may b coz i didn smile at her back wen she was xpctin.. !! who cares ! MOVE ON !!
no chix in me colg so 4get it!! btw yeah this chick at my CL was cute,guess her name was aparna!! ahh her !!bt she had dis gujju guy wid him(guess hez a gujju... looks like one) plus she was sum relative f da english teacher!! Lunia was okay too... bt i didn like her voice!!
last year i was in da bus,was goin4my drivin classes,suddenly i saw this chick...fair,cute lookin,long hair n i was lyk damnnn!! didn know who was she! so nxt thng i did was tell me very good pal,eram, abt her! her description n her school! n she ..yes.. she did provide me wid all da info abt her!! coool !!
bt yeah derz a gal whom i like alot! kinnda fulfils my criteria,lets see !! n da best part is... she likes me more dan i lyk her !! man i liked gals always n still am likin em!!lets see wat happns...NEXT!!

Teacherz !!

Teachers.... one f best things to be !! Teach shit to students.... if pissed...whoop their asses!! Bt yeah... if ur a teacher at My school... then its ur worst nightmare!! I wont talk about my school teachers,lemme tell u abt my private tutors !!
I had normal teachers(who used to take all subjects),drawing teachers,bengali teachers,english teachers,science teachers,commerce teachers n HANDWRITING TEACHER!!
YES handwritin is still crap.. it was crappier before!used to get all comments on my papers.. "WHAT IS THIS ?" "PLEASE IMPROVE YOUR WRITING!!" "CANT READ".... n sumtyms even i cudn make out wat i wrote !!

The 1st one,primary teacher, was an old lady who used to teach me English n Arabic ! She was from UAE... don remembr exactly which part f it !! She was nice! She had evn taught my prev generation... means my uncles n dad !! she taught me till class 1 !! aftr dat another kind teacher came, no screams no shouts !! smoothly n perfect! BUT GOD HAD SUM BIG SURPRISES FOR ME!!

Wen i got promoted to class 4, i was thrown to this "family" teacher! she had taught al f me cousins.... atleast 12 of em... n now it was my turn! now lemme tell u abt her!! she was an anglo indian... no issues wid me...used to teach near my place... no issues...USED TO BEAT SHIT OUT F DA STUDENTS..HELL YEAAH I HAV ISSUES!!! Didn do ur homework ? WHAAACKKK!!Didn score good marks?WHACCCK!! u missed few classes? WHACK!!! ur late?? WHACKKKKK!! not only slaps...ear twists..kneel down n half chairz !! therez more... used to get hit wid wooden rulers... belts....canes...!! ahhh !! HARDCORE !! n yeah.... belt...wid da leather part....n sumtyms wid buckle part!! FUCKKKK!!!! rulers n canes on palms n arms n belt on da body! sumtyms used to ask to take da shirt off !! once i got dis candle punishmnt!! she took a candle...lit it...n asked me to show me my palm...!! n she just held my palm n askd a student to just hold da candle dat da flame touches my nails!! nails doesn burn.... just feel da paiinnnnn!! damn !! guess a prisioner also doesn gets such punishmnts !! bt did dat change me? NO FUCKING WAY !!i still used to go widout doin homeworks! n yeah i never cried(i mean scream)... no one ever heard a sound frm me... only eyes used to be all leaky!! n if one student starts gettin da whacks.. all da otherz wud get... hook or by croook !! n her sister was more dangerous... more evil...had more ways of givin punishmnts !!once i saw her puttin a cane rite insde da guy's mouth!! thank god i didn go to her !! bt my one used to take us for movies.... dinners... at wimpys... it was amazin.. now its nt here in Cal anymore (i mean wimpy's)! two extreme combination she had!! she didn take all da students... just my sis n few cousins n me !! v were close to their hearts! dats y i guess i neva got da buckle shots !! then at class 9 finally i left dat tuition n joined much calm n nicer ones!!!!
amazed to see me alive ????????

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Good n Bad !!

+2s were nice! specially XII! V didn study as usual n teacher never forced us ! Teachers were so tired n disgustd of tellin us to study dat things ended up few handful f students sittin n listenin 2 da teacher n REST listenin to music , playin cards,playin chess, talkin n da best watchin PORN ! that was da scene in my class!
The teacher who didn allow us to talk... like da english literature teacher...KC, used2 call her QUEEN RICHARD,v used da old method... paper n pen ! used 2 write n chat !! used 2 remind me of old way of communication! used to talk.. i mean write abt eveything... frm life to music to gfs !! thank god teachers never caught us with da paper... coz it was filled with abuses !

N every wednesday used to bunk n watch a flick at inox because on dat day v had 3 double periods of maths,eco n accounts !! TORTURE !! so watchin a flick was much better thing to do than scriblin shit ! Even inox ppl startd recognisin us ! It was like no one is allowed in school dress in da multiplex, so v had to change! Used to carry t shirts n change in middle f da road,v had no options!! scene was amazin.... every1 in blue trouserz just da t shirt was diff !!For breakfast v used to go 2 a "dhaba"....!! Miss da days !!!!!

Lemme tell u lil bit abt my college! Thought dat my colg life wud rule.... u know... cool colg... wid cool ppl ... n coolest chix !!! BUT God had sum other torturous plan 4 me !!! Crappp colg.... wid crapp ppl.. n NO CHIX !! fuck !! n if still u find sumthn good abt it... MY COLG STARTS AT 6AM !!
U guessd it rite... u cant ever find me there.... !! 1st f all.. i cant wake up at 5 just 4 a stupid colg !! 2ndly i cant wait 4 buses ......n 3rdly NO CHIX ....sorry bt i don wanna go at 6 n see guys arnd me ! NOT A GOOD WAY 2 start my day !!!
Still i did go dere few times.. n MOST of da times i go... my colg is either closed.... or i find out my exam is goin on... !! n sumtimes wen both doesn occur.. i find da entire floor... whr my class room is.... EMPTY !! EMPTYYYYYY!! no even a fly arnd !! just da lights n fans r on !! plus its kinnda creppy.... 100yr old buildin.. n no onez arnd ya !
once my exam was goin on... my 1st yr... univrsty exam.... i was writing my paper.. cool.. suddenly a teacher cums.... He stands infrnt f me...n he pulls my cheeks sayin oohhh wat a cute boy !! i was lyk sheesh....!! weirdddddo !!! MY crap luck.. wish a hot chix wud cum n do dat ! AHAA...

School Rules

I love my school. STBS-The best school a student can dream of! there U hav hot teacherz.... abuses..chix(b4 8am n after 1:30pm) n NO STUDIES !! imagine that !! i bet who didn go 2 my school missed sumthin real nice! leemme tell u abt few thngs dat happnd !

Class IX - We were frm commerce section! it was da paper showing day of our 1st term examz! did bad in all da subjects didn flunk in any! DUDE i passed in maths...n it was da last tym i passd (xcpt da boards)! rest f my class 9 - 12 results were between 10-30 !! lets get back 2 da topic...!! commerce paper was out,every1 expctd high coz every1 cheated.. da answers were lyk copy paste frm da text... bt every1 got bad marks ! checkin was real strict! da markings were 1/4,1/3 n da best one i saw was o.07 ! guys got angry... askd da teacher 2 give proper marks... he denied ! n frm da nxt class HIS LIFE BECAME HELL ! nxt day he enterd.. we made fun of him so badly dat he stoppd teachin for da rest f da session f class 9 !

Class X - There was this guy named sum banerjee,see i don even remember his name because v used 2 call him as "pinky" !! He was a S.U.P.W teacher ! v used to make so much fun f him dat he used 2 cry ! eyes wud turn red,verge of leakin! used to scream his name as "PINKY", n wen he used 2 hit we used 2 say... "aaahhh....sir,hit harder naaaa" !totally douche man !!

Class X- Geography teacher Mrs.T.Dey ... she was nice.. used 2 giv nice marks bt da guys in our class wnt b "Nice".. dey made fun f dis teacher by callin her "AAi Garam Chai","Give me TEA" coz her name was T(chai).DEY(give) n after dat she never gave good marks 2 our sections... all were below 50's. sheesh

Class-XI There was this accounts sir Pillai, a dark guy...real dark !so one day there was a powercut plus the weather was cloudy. As a result classroom was really dark n all... ! no teacher was there that time so we all were screamin n talking! one guy was screamin and abusin to another... just lyk dat.....n suddenly he got a slap... it was dat teacher! we askd him.. u cudn see dat sir came ? he was lyk "NAHI...SAALA ITNA KAALA HAI DIKHAI NAHI DIA ANDHERE MEIN" !! n he was true.. even i cudn undrstnd until i saw his teeth !! shinnin lyk moon !

Class - XI Mr Bandopadya was our commerce teacher n he didn teach us,neverrrrr.... not a single day... xcpt one ! he was always busy with his cell.. v used 2 call him as "Mobile" n he used a shit cell... very old one. One day v were all busy doing our usual stuffs, talkin n all.. while he was busy with his cell ! he went out n wen he enterd he took a maths book frm a guy who was solvin sums( da guy who came 1st in our class) n started sayin abt partnership business ! v all were SHOCKD to see him do dis ! then v saw da vice principal walking by !! SMART BOY!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Horrendous Hospitals

Hospitals.... An institution that provides medical, surgical, or psychiatric CARE and treatment for the sick or the injured !! but my experience was pretty bad ! lets recapp !!!
YEAR-2007 Month-October
I had this stomach ache,i went to the doc n he gave few pills n asked me to do a test if da pain persists. Too bad da pills didn work, so had to do few blood tests.Blood tests r so shitty, den don let u eat n all ! damn !! Took da reports to da doc! after he went thru da reports, he was OH MY GOD, UR ALIVE ?.. actually sum stuffs were very very very high ! like stuffs which shud b arnd 80's was arnd 450 ! my pancreas was scrwd! i had pancreatitis! it is actually inflammation of the pancreas! n dude it pains ! no idea how i got in2 dis shit! it was like pancreas cannot be operated has to be healed !! so da nxt moment i was admittied in a nursing home...near 2 me place.. !! GOD... 1st thing dey did was ask me 2 change me clothes n then put me on drip!sheesh! n dude.. NO HOT NURSES...damn !! wasn allowed 2 eat 4 2 days! only a bowl of liquid shit ! there was one a ward boy..he was appointd to take care f me at night! n wat worse can it bcum ? yes u guessd it right ... he was gayish !!n u think things cant get worse?listen 2 dis...i was given pills dat made me sleep n sleep !! i had no idea of wat was going on arnd me!! FUCK FUCK FUCK ! n da ward boys... yes boys used to bitch about each other to me ! mannn !
Injections... 4 injections a day...all IV.. n it really pains wen it goes thru ur veins! Good thing was dat me pals came 2 meet me ! n one pal got me a box f chocolates... thanx mann..sheesh !!! guess me mom gave it 2 me cousins n all! n Nid,a pal f mine used 2 call me every day... just b4 i wnt 2 sleep !! niceeee !! wen u stuck at hospi wid shit ppl... call frm frnds is wat u'l want !! after 15 days i came back home... !! me pal adeem lent me out his ps2 4 few weeks but...widin a couple f weeks i was back at another hospi.. a bigger one.. coz i was still havin da pain!!

Kothari.. ahh another shit hospital!! damn ! this one was worse dan da earlier one! i mean da tests i had gone thru.. ! dey inserted a cable thru me throat.. gawd !! n a camera was attachd .. i cud see my internal parts ! worst test i hav ever gone thru ! n tokin f tests.. i did hell lotta tests...forget blood tests...tons f em were done.. n also those scans... one was dey put me inside a machine..n plugggd a headfone .. n scannd me upper abdomen. ...anodr was same type but a diffrnt machine n dey injected me wid sum shit!! ahhh !!
yeah as i was sayin da new hospi was shit but da doc was nice ! he got me back on me feet !one good thing was dere were no gays arnd me!! da doc's receptionist was damn hot! but da nurses were shit!! damn !! over here i proggsd...drips were still on....instead f 4 i got 6 injections a day... 2 at 10am..... 2 at 6pm n one for sleepin at 10pm n one for pain !! n da nurses used 2 wake me up at 6am.. fuck !! dude i came here 2 rest.. !! but no.. 6 in mornin.. u gotta wake up n take ur bath!! sheesh ! n don forget it was kinnda cold dat tym!7am u'l get a cup of horlicks/tea n couple f biscuits! n at 8:30am shit cold bread n lil bit f fruits ! ! had to eat all shit food.. ! i was on VEG diet for 2months.... me widout chicken ! aahhh!! no spice no oil only boild food..ewww!!
but now 2 yrs gone n me almost fine !! lucky to be alive coz i know many ppl who died coz of pancreatitis! n dude try 2 avoid hospitals...atleast b4 gettin admittd check how da nurses are !

Monday, August 24, 2009

Meet in a Metrooo

Love.... 4 alphabets that can be a heal potion or a headache !!! Too complicated thingy it is !!
anyways One f me pal fell in love wid a gal.. dat was in 2007!! His 1st serious love!! u know all these online love! He had never met da gal before! So dat girl was about to "shift" to another city !! He wanted to meet, but he didnt know where !! he neva asked me abt any good places,too bad coz i knew couple f places ..atleast decent onez !!
One noon I was about to hav my lunch.. i mean i had just pickd up my plate n was headin 2 get sum rotiz... suddenly a call came !! me pal calld up n said u know whr tollygunge is ? I said yeah... n he was lyk cum widin 10mins infrnt f laxmi temple .. i m waitin ! i was lyk fuck...... so i had to run !! umm i reachd aftr 30mins.. he was quite pissd off ! i m always late ! i donno y !!anyways he was lyk i want to go to tollygunge metro station, cum wid me!! i askd him da reason.. n he was lyk i m meetin her there !! Dude ur meetin.. wat will i do? he was like no i donno da way.. n i m bit tensed.. accmpany me !! Its such an odd thing to be wid a guy n a gal !! i mean whrz my share ?? i need one to balance!! damn !! 1st meetin at a metro station... ?? amazziiin ... i only heard abt such things in flicks..1st tym i was abt 2 witness one.. !
V reachd... err we got our ass saved coz da gal was late.. she came 20 mins aftr we reachd!! V we waitd...saw weird ppl...typical ppl.. smeelllyyy n all !! we were busy huntin a place which is not crowded .. whr one can tok properly ! atlast found a subway thingy...i mean da undrgrnd pass... which ppl hardly use !! me frnd suddnly nudged me n said.. there she cums !! n there came a sweet lookin.. umm short gal !! nice .... bingo.. he had hit da jackpot!! sum shit intro n i was off... off wid me cell.. YEAH ME PRECIOUS NGAGE... listenin 2 da tracks n playin games...while dey were busy chattin ! One thing...i noticd... was dat she was wearin a nice perfume !! Sweet one !! came lyk a saviour,all those smelly ppl made my nose jammd ! I got meslf a bottle f water.. n me pal was like give it over here too ! herez da scene... i m right standin on top da top.. den is a flight f stairs.. n just infrnt f dat me pal is standin n tokin !! U know me... i m so lazy.. who will climb down ? i threw da bottle.... err me aint good at thrown stuffs.... landed just short f him.. n SPLASH... his pants got.. !!! Anyways... aftr a while v left.. she had to go n finish her packin !! Da worst part... we forgot to ask her if she wud lyk to hav lunch !! sheesh !! rookie stuffs man !! never too late to learn !!
next tym wen v met... V had dat pendin lunch.. n it was awsum.. u know y ? coz she made it !! though veg.. still !!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

FreeStyleeee !!!

Yo my nigga n homies out there
u know how much abt life i do care
happy wid things rite now
relaxd mood,nothin to make my raise my brow
i don give a shit nor a piss
dats y good stuffs for me r always a miss
my life is fine if u don consider sumtin
omit studies,CL ...u gettin wat i mean ?
love life has been a mess,
thinkin of it now gives me a stress,
Pros n cons r always dere,
all depends on ur partner,can stitch u up or tear
pals i hav,even me short dey make me tall
n always dere to hold me wen i fall
fun days r wid me pals,
doesn matter if dey stay in or out of cal
things gone wrong wid sum of dem

wen good things take a bad shape its utter shame
to dem dis is wat i want to say
lets not allow anythin to dismay
frnds we were,frenz v are
we rule, v r da czar
fget wat hapnd,burn in a sack
n let us "hav those good ol days back"
live life wid no regrets
smile enjoy till ya last breath !!

Miss my old days,still searchin em in new ones,but i just cant find
I wish i cud just Rewind !!

IN IT !!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


As u ppl know our school was/is filled wid weirdozz .... n Zaki was a real crack case !!! Zaki...a good natured...kind ...sensitive guy... n a pretty psycho guy.. messsed up apperance...n who loves to dance n sing ! i used to sit infrnt f dis guy... n gawd lil more n u will understnd wat i went thru!! he is a big fan f Salman n amisha patel....u just giv him a hint abt a song n he'll sing as well as dance !! He can sing all day long... n himesh sings better dan him dudee!!he was a school prefect... donno how he became...dats a mystery !! His dialogue.. " IF anyone talks... I will hit U!!" amazin... !! His dance... amazin timepass.... tears wud cum out if u see him dance...Laugh riot !! he actually took a dance lesson frm sum shit teacher.. n believe me... it got worse !!Y he went 4 da classes ? coz he wanted to dance at his unclez weddin... !! donno if he danced... !!
Zaki's english : Me pal asks him... "Zaki u r studyn here 4 da past 12/13 speak just 5 sentences of proper english " n he starts off "MY NAME JAAKI KABIR!!" take dat for an answerrr !! u cant utter a word after dis !
another shit happnd.. it was durin XII pre finals....Location: Exam Room..... maths or sumthin lyk dat... paper was tough....he calls me pal...." Rohit.... aai Rohit..." ... Now Rohit in a serious tone asks.. "kya hua ? which answer u want? " .. Now my great pal Zaki starts off... "U know Rohit i really like Amisha Patel ....i m a very sentimental kind of guy... i m misssin my gal(his gf...YES he had mystery) " n he startd off wid his love story.. n all dis inside da exam room.. !!
Good shit days... n i miss his danceee !!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Wat Mess i m intooooo !!!

Everyone has a future plan... an ambition or shit like dat.... lyk becumin a pilot/doc/actor/"Sachin" (scrw da assholes who says dat)!! did i ever hav sumthin lyk dat ?? HELL NO !! i was too busy doin dis n dat ... n lazyn arnd.. so completely 4got abt dat part !! I really like i wantd 2 b a dj or so... make cool music ... nt 4 $$$... just a hobby or sumthin!! So as i grew up... atleast tried to....(yeah i know frm inside me still a kid.. aww sweet isnt it ? )....saw ppl arnd me doin Mba n shit(1st MISTAKE).. so even i decided to do dat....n 4 dat i enrolld meslf at a CAT coachin center(2nd MISTAKE) !! Even me pal Adeem enrolld wid me.. .. so v r frm da same batch(A reason 2 SMILE)!!1st day went dere... awww... crappp..... all crappp shit ppl arnd one lyk us...!! fuckin guys who try 2 impress chicks... cant speak proper english... bt still dey will try to show how "CLASSY" they are !!worst part.. no good lookin chick in out batch ! other batches hav pretty good ones !!!crapp luck v hav.. ! i liked one chick...donno her name.. nt frm our batch!! bt shez sum wat related 2 sum teacher or so... !! n dere is one douche who will ask questions to da teachers... almost everyday... even on simple stuffs.... "Syaaar...AMI BUJTE PARLAM NA "!! da heights happend wen we were givin a class test... n all f us were discussin.. so u know wen ppl discuss... lil bit f chitter chaatter always cums ... n suddenly this moron screams.... "EKTU AASTE KOTHA BOLBE....AMI CONCENTRATE KORTE PARCHI NA"(Plz tok softly i cant concentrate).... n den pin drop silence.. everybody stoppd... den after few seconds.... WHOOLE FUCKIN BATCH laughd at him !! 1st couple f months v thought dat v were da only ppl who werent serious...i mean serious reguardin classes... bt v were so wrong....!! half f da batch doesn turns up dese days !! sheesh !! n CAT has gone online... such a waste f tym... sat 4 a mock... n it was shit... aint easy givin an online exam!! 4get MBA... v hav lil hope f gettin in2 a b school !! DAD IS GONNA WHOOP MY ASS !!

V(Adeem n I) seriously regret f puttin our dadz HARD EARND CASH in such crap thing....!! we could hav bought a dj console... by combinin both da $$$....u'l get a decent one 4 50K dude!! IMAGINE da stuffs v wud hav created by now !! ahhh damnnn !! so wid ourselvs enrollin at CL... our dream f buyin a dj console n makin cum cool music died !! RIP..... ! atleast until v gettin a job or so...dis remains on hold !!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Meetin me pal !!!

14 years in this school... n boy o boy such experiences u get !! well i knew kinnda evry1 frm our batch...atleast was familiar wid da faces if nt by names !!anyways as i was sayin was in school 4 14years n i didn meet dis guy b4 my +2 ended...!! donno whr da shit he was hidin ! it was december.... our school's Grand Winter Carnival was on.. !! a carnival whr u get to see all da guys n gals frm stb n stg ... present past...every1 n also cheap bastards who cant even spell St.Thomas !! U'l find all wierd games... HOOPLA (u gotta aim n toss da hoops on da thingys...) ... KILL DA RAT(whr u hav 2 hit a small white plastic ball wid a hammer).... football.. whr u hav 2 kick da football.. so dat it passes thru da hole...n no one ever did it.. not even imran... nt coz b coz f aim... just coz da ball is bigger dan da hole!! cheap shit food ... rolls drippin wid oil n all... crappp !! bt da best n da most visited was da "TREASURE ISLAND" !! dey collectd gifts 4 treasure island frm us.. i mean dey were lyk BRING SUM GIFT WORTH Rs.50 or more for da carnival... !! n dude guys did amazin tricks 2 fool em ! sum tricks were.... manupulating the price tag...buyin fake AXE deo 4 30bucks...givin half empty body talc!! n in treasure island every "prize"(dats wat dey calld) had a number ...u wud hav 2 pick a no frm a box... n u'l get da "prize" whch has da no on it! shitt man.. how can ppl b so foolish to pay 4 wat he gave ?? sheesh
back 2 da topic!!!!!! it was my last carnival (as a school student coz it was my last yr in skool)!! Ezaz was draggin me... YES.. dragggin me coz i was soo tired.. has circled da ground 8 times n i cudn do it any more !!! ezaz was tryin 2 find sum chick.. n so v had 2 circle da ground... !! Search baby search !!! ..aftr a while ezaz meets sum f his frnds ..all kinnda known faces.. excpt tarique... ! so he introduces .... me is lyk who cares.... wateva !! n was back to goin round n round !!

few days later i went 2 a gal school's carnival !! Loreto House !! sum chick calld i happily went dere hopin 2 see sum "GOOD" stuffs n all !! as God always does to me.. it was such a crappp n borin one !! small stalls...dead music !! though i met da chick... i was lyk fuck.. i m goin home !! den suddenly i see one familiar face.... i m lyk damn whr hav i seen dis guy.. whr whr whrr!! even he was starin at me... i just lookd behind me .. just as a check to make sure he if he was seein gal behind me .... bt No.. no good gals were dere !! den i just wnt ahead n he was lyk "kaisa hai ?" then me realized it was da guy whom i met in da carnival.. n i didn know his name... bt he gave company 4 nxt 2hrs !! HELL YEAH dats STB guys.. whdr dey know u or dont know u.... dey can tok n cover any topic !! aftr dat met couple f tym in school(durnin pre boards).. saw him standin outside STG gate (one famous spot) .... n our frndshp startd .........n goin on ..........

Inspiredddd !!!

Adeeemmmmm..... !! Now this guy inspired me to write "blogs" !! Amazinn shit he writes... v all know dat... n 4 those newbies ... check him out at "" !! n to Adeeem....Thnx chamcham for inspirin mee!!

Now lemme introduce u 2 me small world.... which is obviously revolves arnd me fam n pals!!
me frnds.....good ones.... Tarique- The RBKI.. one innocent kamina.....fuckin ran away to hyd 4 studies....geeko !! Tango-The asshole ... me pal since class 8......!! Chubby- The Model cum Doc..... amazin mixture...!! Fattyma- da shawty...... hell yeah shorter dan me... can u bet ! Ezaz- Mammaz Boy......wont even step out f his house widout his mumz permission... Come on dude ur fuckin 20years old !! freakyy !! Adeem- Dubaiiii (as given by one f our teachers) one son f a gun...n one amazin keyboardist... our dream of makin sum cool songs still remains a dream !! n yeah Reetika... da runaway bride !
so this quite sums up me good pals... loads more pals r dere .. bt dese r da closest ones !!
Funny shits happen.....but most r me school incidents.... !! nothin beats STB... !! will tell abt all f da stuffs.. bt frm da nxt blog !!