Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Early days !!

Kiddo age! lovedd itt !! Amazin Logics they have !! N i bet every1 didsumthng or da other which was funny n weird !!
When i was a kid i HAD these on my mind:
#1. If u water any solid that is in a bucket thing,plants would grow of it! n YES i used to water my garbage can !!
#2.If u swallow a chewing gum,chewing gum plant wud cum out frm ya stomach thru nose n ears.
#3.Ants kisses eachother wen they bump wid eachodr.
#4.Santa Claus doesn visits my area because its conjusted.
#5.Babies just happen to come(n yeah i was unknown f da FACT until i was in class6)
#6."KAMASUTRA" was somthing lyk "mangalsutra". bt i didn know whr da gals wore it!!
#7.When ppl die,they stick their tongue out.
#8.Drivers are the happiest ppl coz they drive cars all thru day n enjoy themselves.
#9.If u use headnshoulders shampoo,aftr a while ur hair will grow till ya shoulders.(why wud they name it "Head & Shoulder" ???)
#10.I can do wat da actors in bollywood flicks can do!! (n i actually tried to ride down da stairs wid a tricylce,was too small to use a bicycle,bt ended up at hospital)!!

Couple f memories !!

My mum forced me to sleep durin da afternoon,coz if i didn, i wud b sleepin entire evening (studies wud fall asleep too) and to make sure i do sleep she lockd it frm inside. this i m tokin abt is wen i was arnd 4-5 yrs old. one day i wanted to go 2 da washroom,bt my mum had already slept. n i really needed to pee. wat to do? so i just opend da window,used to say on 2nd floor, n i did my job! donno wat hapnd to da passerbyz!!

If u can remembr, there was a flick called "Junoon", starin Rahul Roy.Yes the flick in which he wud bcum tiger.After watchin dat i was scared to go out,thinkin dat ppl wud turn in2 tigers n eat me ! Cudn even go alone upstairs thinkin he was waitin 4 me!!!

any1 scared f ghosts ? any1 ??

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