Monday, August 17, 2009

Wat Mess i m intooooo !!!

Everyone has a future plan... an ambition or shit like dat.... lyk becumin a pilot/doc/actor/"Sachin" (scrw da assholes who says dat)!! did i ever hav sumthin lyk dat ?? HELL NO !! i was too busy doin dis n dat ... n lazyn arnd.. so completely 4got abt dat part !! I really like i wantd 2 b a dj or so... make cool music ... nt 4 $$$... just a hobby or sumthin!! So as i grew up... atleast tried to....(yeah i know frm inside me still a kid.. aww sweet isnt it ? )....saw ppl arnd me doin Mba n shit(1st MISTAKE).. so even i decided to do dat....n 4 dat i enrolld meslf at a CAT coachin center(2nd MISTAKE) !! Even me pal Adeem enrolld wid me.. .. so v r frm da same batch(A reason 2 SMILE)!!1st day went dere... awww... crappp..... all crappp shit ppl arnd one lyk us...!! fuckin guys who try 2 impress chicks... cant speak proper english... bt still dey will try to show how "CLASSY" they are !!worst part.. no good lookin chick in out batch ! other batches hav pretty good ones !!!crapp luck v hav.. ! i liked one chick...donno her name.. nt frm our batch!! bt shez sum wat related 2 sum teacher or so... !! n dere is one douche who will ask questions to da teachers... almost everyday... even on simple stuffs.... "Syaaar...AMI BUJTE PARLAM NA "!! da heights happend wen we were givin a class test... n all f us were discussin.. so u know wen ppl discuss... lil bit f chitter chaatter always cums ... n suddenly this moron screams.... "EKTU AASTE KOTHA BOLBE....AMI CONCENTRATE KORTE PARCHI NA"(Plz tok softly i cant concentrate).... n den pin drop silence.. everybody stoppd... den after few seconds.... WHOOLE FUCKIN BATCH laughd at him !! 1st couple f months v thought dat v were da only ppl who werent serious...i mean serious reguardin classes... bt v were so wrong....!! half f da batch doesn turns up dese days !! sheesh !! n CAT has gone online... such a waste f tym... sat 4 a mock... n it was shit... aint easy givin an online exam!! 4get MBA... v hav lil hope f gettin in2 a b school !! DAD IS GONNA WHOOP MY ASS !!

V(Adeem n I) seriously regret f puttin our dadz HARD EARND CASH in such crap thing....!! we could hav bought a dj console... by combinin both da $$$....u'l get a decent one 4 50K dude!! IMAGINE da stuffs v wud hav created by now !! ahhh damnnn !! so wid ourselvs enrollin at CL... our dream f buyin a dj console n makin cum cool music died !! RIP..... ! atleast until v gettin a job or so...dis remains on hold !!

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