Sunday, September 6, 2009

School Rules

I love my school. STBS-The best school a student can dream of! there U hav hot teacherz.... abuses..chix(b4 8am n after 1:30pm) n NO STUDIES !! imagine that !! i bet who didn go 2 my school missed sumthin real nice! leemme tell u abt few thngs dat happnd !

Class IX - We were frm commerce section! it was da paper showing day of our 1st term examz! did bad in all da subjects didn flunk in any! DUDE i passed in maths...n it was da last tym i passd (xcpt da boards)! rest f my class 9 - 12 results were between 10-30 !! lets get back 2 da topic...!! commerce paper was out,every1 expctd high coz every1 cheated.. da answers were lyk copy paste frm da text... bt every1 got bad marks ! checkin was real strict! da markings were 1/4,1/3 n da best one i saw was o.07 ! guys got angry... askd da teacher 2 give proper marks... he denied ! n frm da nxt class HIS LIFE BECAME HELL ! nxt day he enterd.. we made fun of him so badly dat he stoppd teachin for da rest f da session f class 9 !

Class X - There was this guy named sum banerjee,see i don even remember his name because v used 2 call him as "pinky" !! He was a S.U.P.W teacher ! v used to make so much fun f him dat he used 2 cry ! eyes wud turn red,verge of leakin! used to scream his name as "PINKY", n wen he used 2 hit we used 2 say... "aaahhh....sir,hit harder naaaa" !totally douche man !!

Class X- Geography teacher Mrs.T.Dey ... she was nice.. used 2 giv nice marks bt da guys in our class wnt b "Nice".. dey made fun f dis teacher by callin her "AAi Garam Chai","Give me TEA" coz her name was T(chai).DEY(give) n after dat she never gave good marks 2 our sections... all were below 50's. sheesh

Class-XI There was this accounts sir Pillai, a dark guy...real dark !so one day there was a powercut plus the weather was cloudy. As a result classroom was really dark n all... ! no teacher was there that time so we all were screamin n talking! one guy was screamin and abusin to another... just lyk dat.....n suddenly he got a slap... it was dat teacher! we askd him.. u cudn see dat sir came ? he was lyk "NAHI...SAALA ITNA KAALA HAI DIKHAI NAHI DIA ANDHERE MEIN" !! n he was true.. even i cudn undrstnd until i saw his teeth !! shinnin lyk moon !

Class - XI Mr Bandopadya was our commerce teacher n he didn teach us,neverrrrr.... not a single day... xcpt one ! he was always busy with his cell.. v used 2 call him as "Mobile" n he used a shit cell... very old one. One day v were all busy doing our usual stuffs, talkin n all.. while he was busy with his cell ! he went out n wen he enterd he took a maths book frm a guy who was solvin sums( da guy who came 1st in our class) n started sayin abt partnership business ! v all were SHOCKD to see him do dis ! then v saw da vice principal walking by !! SMART BOY!!!

1 comment:

bonbonkayzee said...

Dude never knew about Garam Chai!
Oh STB where have those good old days gone :(