Sunday, September 6, 2009

Good n Bad !!

+2s were nice! specially XII! V didn study as usual n teacher never forced us ! Teachers were so tired n disgustd of tellin us to study dat things ended up few handful f students sittin n listenin 2 da teacher n REST listenin to music , playin cards,playin chess, talkin n da best watchin PORN ! that was da scene in my class!
The teacher who didn allow us to talk... like da english literature teacher...KC, used2 call her QUEEN RICHARD,v used da old method... paper n pen ! used 2 write n chat !! used 2 remind me of old way of communication! used to talk.. i mean write abt eveything... frm life to music to gfs !! thank god teachers never caught us with da paper... coz it was filled with abuses !

N every wednesday used to bunk n watch a flick at inox because on dat day v had 3 double periods of maths,eco n accounts !! TORTURE !! so watchin a flick was much better thing to do than scriblin shit ! Even inox ppl startd recognisin us ! It was like no one is allowed in school dress in da multiplex, so v had to change! Used to carry t shirts n change in middle f da road,v had no options!! scene was amazin.... every1 in blue trouserz just da t shirt was diff !!For breakfast v used to go 2 a "dhaba"....!! Miss da days !!!!!

Lemme tell u lil bit abt my college! Thought dat my colg life wud rule.... u know... cool colg... wid cool ppl ... n coolest chix !!! BUT God had sum other torturous plan 4 me !!! Crappp colg.... wid crapp ppl.. n NO CHIX !! fuck !! n if still u find sumthn good abt it... MY COLG STARTS AT 6AM !!
U guessd it rite... u cant ever find me there.... !! 1st f all.. i cant wake up at 5 just 4 a stupid colg !! 2ndly i cant wait 4 buses ......n 3rdly NO CHIX ....sorry bt i don wanna go at 6 n see guys arnd me ! NOT A GOOD WAY 2 start my day !!!
Still i did go dere few times.. n MOST of da times i go... my colg is either closed.... or i find out my exam is goin on... !! n sumtimes wen both doesn occur.. i find da entire floor... whr my class room is.... EMPTY !! EMPTYYYYYY!! no even a fly arnd !! just da lights n fans r on !! plus its kinnda creppy.... 100yr old buildin.. n no onez arnd ya !
once my exam was goin on... my 1st yr... univrsty exam.... i was writing my paper.. cool.. suddenly a teacher cums.... He stands infrnt f me...n he pulls my cheeks sayin oohhh wat a cute boy !! i was lyk sheesh....!! weirdddddo !!! MY crap luck.. wish a hot chix wud cum n do dat ! AHAA...

School Rules

I love my school. STBS-The best school a student can dream of! there U hav hot teacherz.... abuses..chix(b4 8am n after 1:30pm) n NO STUDIES !! imagine that !! i bet who didn go 2 my school missed sumthin real nice! leemme tell u abt few thngs dat happnd !

Class IX - We were frm commerce section! it was da paper showing day of our 1st term examz! did bad in all da subjects didn flunk in any! DUDE i passed in maths...n it was da last tym i passd (xcpt da boards)! rest f my class 9 - 12 results were between 10-30 !! lets get back 2 da topic...!! commerce paper was out,every1 expctd high coz every1 cheated.. da answers were lyk copy paste frm da text... bt every1 got bad marks ! checkin was real strict! da markings were 1/4,1/3 n da best one i saw was o.07 ! guys got angry... askd da teacher 2 give proper marks... he denied ! n frm da nxt class HIS LIFE BECAME HELL ! nxt day he enterd.. we made fun of him so badly dat he stoppd teachin for da rest f da session f class 9 !

Class X - There was this guy named sum banerjee,see i don even remember his name because v used 2 call him as "pinky" !! He was a S.U.P.W teacher ! v used to make so much fun f him dat he used 2 cry ! eyes wud turn red,verge of leakin! used to scream his name as "PINKY", n wen he used 2 hit we used 2 say... "aaahhh....sir,hit harder naaaa" !totally douche man !!

Class X- Geography teacher Mrs.T.Dey ... she was nice.. used 2 giv nice marks bt da guys in our class wnt b "Nice".. dey made fun f dis teacher by callin her "AAi Garam Chai","Give me TEA" coz her name was T(chai).DEY(give) n after dat she never gave good marks 2 our sections... all were below 50's. sheesh

Class-XI There was this accounts sir Pillai, a dark guy...real dark !so one day there was a powercut plus the weather was cloudy. As a result classroom was really dark n all... ! no teacher was there that time so we all were screamin n talking! one guy was screamin and abusin to another... just lyk dat.....n suddenly he got a slap... it was dat teacher! we askd him.. u cudn see dat sir came ? he was lyk "NAHI...SAALA ITNA KAALA HAI DIKHAI NAHI DIA ANDHERE MEIN" !! n he was true.. even i cudn undrstnd until i saw his teeth !! shinnin lyk moon !

Class - XI Mr Bandopadya was our commerce teacher n he didn teach us,neverrrrr.... not a single day... xcpt one ! he was always busy with his cell.. v used 2 call him as "Mobile" n he used a shit cell... very old one. One day v were all busy doing our usual stuffs, talkin n all.. while he was busy with his cell ! he went out n wen he enterd he took a maths book frm a guy who was solvin sums( da guy who came 1st in our class) n started sayin abt partnership business ! v all were SHOCKD to see him do dis ! then v saw da vice principal walking by !! SMART BOY!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Horrendous Hospitals

Hospitals.... An institution that provides medical, surgical, or psychiatric CARE and treatment for the sick or the injured !! but my experience was pretty bad ! lets recapp !!!
YEAR-2007 Month-October
I had this stomach ache,i went to the doc n he gave few pills n asked me to do a test if da pain persists. Too bad da pills didn work, so had to do few blood tests.Blood tests r so shitty, den don let u eat n all ! damn !! Took da reports to da doc! after he went thru da reports, he was OH MY GOD, UR ALIVE ?.. actually sum stuffs were very very very high ! like stuffs which shud b arnd 80's was arnd 450 ! my pancreas was scrwd! i had pancreatitis! it is actually inflammation of the pancreas! n dude it pains ! no idea how i got in2 dis shit! it was like pancreas cannot be operated has to be healed !! so da nxt moment i was admittied in a nursing home...near 2 me place.. !! GOD... 1st thing dey did was ask me 2 change me clothes n then put me on drip!sheesh! n dude.. NO HOT NURSES...damn !! wasn allowed 2 eat 4 2 days! only a bowl of liquid shit ! there was one a ward boy..he was appointd to take care f me at night! n wat worse can it bcum ? yes u guessd it right ... he was gayish !!n u think things cant get worse?listen 2 dis...i was given pills dat made me sleep n sleep !! i had no idea of wat was going on arnd me!! FUCK FUCK FUCK ! n da ward boys... yes boys used to bitch about each other to me ! mannn !
Injections... 4 injections a day...all IV.. n it really pains wen it goes thru ur veins! Good thing was dat me pals came 2 meet me ! n one pal got me a box f chocolates... thanx mann..sheesh !!! guess me mom gave it 2 me cousins n all! n Nid,a pal f mine used 2 call me every day... just b4 i wnt 2 sleep !! niceeee !! wen u stuck at hospi wid shit ppl... call frm frnds is wat u'l want !! after 15 days i came back home... !! me pal adeem lent me out his ps2 4 few weeks but...widin a couple f weeks i was back at another hospi.. a bigger one.. coz i was still havin da pain!!

Kothari.. ahh another shit hospital!! damn ! this one was worse dan da earlier one! i mean da tests i had gone thru.. ! dey inserted a cable thru me throat.. gawd !! n a camera was attachd .. i cud see my internal parts ! worst test i hav ever gone thru ! n tokin f tests.. i did hell lotta tests...forget blood tests...tons f em were done.. n also those scans... one was dey put me inside a machine..n plugggd a headfone .. n scannd me upper abdomen. ...anodr was same type but a diffrnt machine n dey injected me wid sum shit!! ahhh !!
yeah as i was sayin da new hospi was shit but da doc was nice ! he got me back on me feet !one good thing was dere were no gays arnd me!! da doc's receptionist was damn hot! but da nurses were shit!! damn !! over here i proggsd...drips were still on....instead f 4 i got 6 injections a day... 2 at 10am..... 2 at 6pm n one for sleepin at 10pm n one for pain !! n da nurses used 2 wake me up at 6am.. fuck !! dude i came here 2 rest.. !! but no.. 6 in mornin.. u gotta wake up n take ur bath!! sheesh ! n don forget it was kinnda cold dat tym!7am u'l get a cup of horlicks/tea n couple f biscuits! n at 8:30am shit cold bread n lil bit f fruits ! ! had to eat all shit food.. ! i was on VEG diet for 2months.... me widout chicken ! aahhh!! no spice no oil only boild food..ewww!!
but now 2 yrs gone n me almost fine !! lucky to be alive coz i know many ppl who died coz of pancreatitis! n dude try 2 avoid hospitals...atleast b4 gettin admittd check how da nurses are !